770: Save a requisition
Test Case #:770 | Test Case Name: Save a requisition |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: requisition |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska | Design Date:13.07.2016 |
Short description: Possibility to save a draft of the requisition so that I can come back and finish it prior to submission. |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create GeographicLevel Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "1098", "name": "Kubek", "levelNumber": "12" } | Status: 201 created, geographicLevel id: "http://localhost:8080/api/geographicLevels/1752b457-0a4b-4de0-bf94- 5a6a8002427e" | |
2 | Create geographicZone. Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "test0", "name": "testowy65", 5a6a8002427e" } | Status: 201 created,
geographicZone id: "http://localhost:8080/api/geographicZones/b5b226bb-9eaf-42d8-9bca- c0ce98da7caf" |
3 | Create FacilityType Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "h11", "name": "d123" } | Status: 201 created,
facilityType id: "http://localhost:8080/api/facilityTypes/557b3967-9515-4370-8c11- 80a1450ae586" |
4 | Create Facility. Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "abecadlo99", "geographicZone": "http://localhost:8080/api/geographicZones/b5b226bb-9eaf- 42d8-9bca-c0ce98da7caf", 80a1450ae586", "active": "true", "enabled": "false" } | Status: 201 created,
facility id: " " |
5 | Create Program Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "qwe11", "name": "aaa99" } | Status: 201 created, program id: " " | |
6 | Create Schedule In Url: Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "asdf12345", "name": "miau1234" } | Status: 201 created, schedule id: " " |
7 | Create Period. Method: Post Example Body: { "processingSchedule": { "id": "3dcbfeac-12c5-4de9-94ef-85a820e8115b", "code": "codecode12", "description": "desc1212", "modifiedDate": "2016-07-12T13:04:38.910", "name": "scheduleName" }, "name": "name90", "description": "descriptiontest", "startDate": "2016-07-13", "endDate": "2016-07-14" } | Status: 201 created, period id: "1c15a497-a02a-45f4-aad4-e9d7c8696bf0" |
8 | Create Requisition. In Url: Method: Post Example Body: { "createdDate": "2016-07-12T14:04:38.910", 3346306477ff", 14b20fe72f52", "processingPeriod": "http://localhost:8080/api/periods/1c15a497-a02a-45f4-aad4- e9d7c8696bf0", "status": "INITIATED" } | Status: 201 created, requisition id: " 541164d2e0ad " |
9 | Edit Requisition entity. In Url: Method: Post Example Body: { "id": "22954850-2044-4863-a946-541164d2e0ad", "createdDate": "2016-07-12T16:22:38.910", 3346306477ff", 14b20fe72f52", "processingPeriod": "http://localhost:8080/api/periods/1c15a497-a02a-45f4-aad4- e9d7c8696bf0", "status": "APPROVED" } | Requisition should be modified.
Post – conditions: |
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