906: Password email notification
Test Case #:906 | Test Case Name: Password email notification |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: requisition |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:01.09.2016 |
Short description: As a newly created OpenLMIS user I receive an email with a link to set my password Acceptance:
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create User enity. In Url: http://localhost:8080/api/users?access_token=d581abdb-5dfd-4dde-9332-b0283de852c8 Method: Post Body: {"username": "UserName", "email": "testowesoldeveolo@gmail.com", "firstName": "NameF", "lastName": "LastN", "verified": "true", "active": "true", "restrictLogin": "false", "timezone":"CTM" } | Status 200 OK
| |
2 | Check if after creating user an email has been sent |
| |
3 | Set password In Url : http://localhost:8080/api/users/changePassword?access_token=d35e884e-128c-40f3-b174-0d05c6c3393c Method: Post Body: { "token":"4d132fa0-be37-49c4-ad1d-a98661f38bc3", "username":"UserName12", "newPassword":"NemPassword1" } | Status 200 OK | Because the UI is not yet ready is not possible to check the link sent in the email so I checked setting a password by endpiont token and username from an email |
4 |
In Url: http://localhost:8081/api/users?access_token=46f2e1e3-33a7-412f-95d1-7f1b1bddb8e4 Method: Get | ||
5 | Check validation for password |
| From OLMIS-587 -password must be between 8 to 16 characters, should not contain spaces and contain at least 1 number, -error message is displayed if password doesn't meet the above parameters |
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