982: Handle 'nested locations/endpoints' in Service Discovery setup - research & POC

Test Case #:982

Test Case Name: Handle 'nested locations/endpoints' in Service Discovery setup - research & POC

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:03.01.2017

Short description

Handle 'nested locations/endpoints' in service routing

Currently, we have an ability to redirect to our services under the same host using location prefixes, like localhost/requisition or localhost/example

After API discussions: we foresee endpoints like /facility/(id) map to the reference data service and /facility/(id)/requisitions map to the requisition service. There is a need to handle such scenarios in the Nginx + Consul setup.

We've briefly decided to hold this off until referencedata service is extracted from requisition.

Acceptance criteria

  • (general example) our configured server redirects /facility/(id)/requisitions request to requisition service and not falsely to reference data service


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



  • Endpoints are being properly registered in Consul KV store.




Each service is accessible in Consul KV store











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