PC: November 21 2017

PC: November 21 2017

Call Information

  • 09:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 12:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 19:00 CAT - Zambia
  • 20:00 EAT - Tanzania

  • Webex Link: LINK
  • Meeting Number198 977 185
  • Host Key626254
  • Audio Connection +1-415-655-0001 

Last Meeting NotesPC: November 7 2017



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 minutes)

  • Release notes are now on ReadTheDocs, which makes the release notes easier to find

  • Malawi is discussing picking up the OpenLMIS 3.2.1 release
    • Currently admin screen testing is happening
  • OpenLMIS team did release process with multiple rounds of testing

Overall updates and topics under discussion:

  • No planned release until the vaccine MVP 3.3 release in March
  • Short-term Roadmap:
    • Dec: Proof of concept integration between DHIS2, OpenSRP and OpenLMIS. Planning happening GDHF: DHIS 2, OpenLMIS and OpenSRP Integration POC.
      • We will highlight the Vaccine Utilization rate (administered coming from OpenSRP and available stock for consumption coming from OpenLMIS)
    • Feb (week of Feb 5): demoing stock management and features supporting vaccines (CCE, F&E, local fulfillment) to GAVI, Global Fund and others to spark interest in using OpenLMIS to manage vaccines.
    • March: release 3.3 with the minimal set of features to support managing vaccines sub-nationally
  • Ona has started to work on reporting. Showcases will be every two weeks an hour before this call.
  • Aspirational roadmap: Still in progress 
  • DELAYED: Defining our mobile strategy. Are members willing to meet separately to help define the OpenLMIS vision for mobile applications? Put on your OpenLMIS hat (not your country hat or org hat) and outline the critical needs for OpenLMIS.
    • Currently we are working towards one new reference implementation with OpenSRP for the 3.3 release.  The details of the reference implementation are outlined here: OpenSRP and OpenLMIS Integration
    • Parambir Gill and Matt Berg has expressed interest.
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 minutes)
  • Local Fulfillment is starting this week
  • Starting work for service accounts which is needed for service integrations (ie with NextLeaf)
  • Cold Chain Equipment functionality will be demo-able soon
    • There will be demo videos made available
  • GDHF demo will show demo of OpenSRP working with OpenLMIS to do combined reporting
  • Nifi integration is happening with Ona
    • First metrics are being built

  • Aspiration roadmap is coming

Still need to make time for a mobile strategy discussion, as we want this community to drive the decision,

Showcasing vaccine feature status Nov 30th at 8:00am Pacific

Please join us on November 30th (8 AM PST/ 4 PM UTC/ 5 PM Copenhagen) for a webinar on the current roadmap for OpenLMIS V3 Vaccine Module, including features in development and those just completed! This webinar will serve as a refresher of the work we did together in Copenhagen and what has happened since.

Please register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about call-in details to join the meeting.

We look forward to speaking with you soon! Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues as well.

Local Fulfillment mock-up: any comments?

In the meantime, we are welcoming feedback on the mockup for local fulfillment.  The interactive mock up focuses on fulfilling one order.  The items outlined in RED are interactive. You can click on the page and it will direct you to the mock up page/modal. To go back to the first page, please just use the back button in your browser. Please give us feedback and thoughts.  We are still working on the mock up and thinking through if we should show some information or not from the requesting facility (like consumption or the ideal stock amount). Reminder to review the presentation Rachel gave for context of the screen. You can find the presentation and functional specifications here.

  • As of call time no one expressed opinions about the mock-ups
  • Here is what has changed in the mock-ups
    • Pick-pack list changes
    • Ability to make adjustment to stock on hand
  • Please let us know if anyone in the community needs to give feedback on the mockups

Performance Metrics from 3.2.1

Release notes have performance metrics

  • The amount of products in a requisition do effect performance. Product list size was:
    • about 200 items in essential medicines program
    • 15 items for TB program

Improvements in:

  • Convert to order process
  • Requisition approve
  • Requisition initiate
  • Requisition submit
  • Requisition authorize
  • Batch approve implements virtual scrolling, speeds up performance
    • Have not released officially yet
    • Working with Malawi team to understand needs to see if we can simplify

Generally what has helped is:

  • 50% of performance work is in Java Services, where data was looked up multiple times. Added profiling into code
  • 50% in UI javascript
    • Removed server calls, added caching
    • Scrolling in batch approve on a "slow" computer would cause lag making the screen hard to use. Added virtual scrolling library to make the page more performant

Caching concerns

  • Application files updating
    • Some work planned to handle this
  • Data 'freshness'

Will plan follow up call

Read out from GHSCSTenly Snow (Deactivated)

Tenly shared information about the two presentations

Tenly is scheduling a demo of https://tupaia.org/ on December 18th and will make it available to the community.


JSI has made information available to Zenysis. A great example of how to triangulate between multiple services.

Matt: what are the insights we want and what applications we want to delivery.  Let's flag what insights and value we want to see.

MJ: Data warehousing will provide a structure to find the data to answer complex questions that the community will have.

Matt: If there parts of these applications that you like, or feel are important, please bring that up to the community.

Many people congratulating the OpenLMIS community on working together.

Tenly will add presentations for reference. 

Upcoming conferences:

  • TechNet in Portugal (Oct) - PAST

  • 10th Global Health Supply Chain Summit, Dates: Nov 15-17 (Accra)
  • Global Digital Health Form in DC (4 - 6 of Dec)


Amanda: THANKS50 promotional code this week. Watch out for social media promotions with #GDHF2017

  • Can share the participant list so we can reach out to make personal invites to the GDHF lab session


OpenLMIS is a sponsor of this year's GDHF. Look for the 1/2 page ad in the program and recognition as a sponsor during one of the networking breaks. 


  • Integration Lab Session (with background materials at GDHF: DHIS 2, OpenLMIS and OpenSRP Integration POC)
  • OpenLMIS Poster 
  • HMIS/LMIS Integration: A Tanzania Case Study in Integration, Interoperability, Analysis, and Governance 
  • Open Source panel:
    • What is a Global Good? By Carl Leitner

    • Building a Collaborative Foundation to Support Open Source Software: Lessons from the iHRIS Experience by David Potenziani

    • Managing and Open Source Community by Tenly Snow

    • Moderated by Michael Downey (DIAL)


  • Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated): Schedule time for PC to define what metrics we want to see, and this will support the team in prioritizing what to focus on next for performance testing. 
  • Sam Im (Deactivated): to bring up the emergency requisition design at a future meeting


Matthew Kumbuyo VR Malawi (via Skype)


Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee Meeting-20171121 1659-1.arf  (download the WebEx video player here)


Aspirational Roadmap

Thoughts? What's missing? 

  • Some of the items are overlapping but trying to find a way to demonstrate the longer term goals within features, performance, standards and integrations.  

Combined draft work plan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mwMqFOAQaVNs13qfa7O3mzauSR79-jQ_eaPZPP2VnzU/edit?usp=sharing

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software