Backlog Grooming Sprint 28

Backlog Grooming Sprint 28

Objective: Improve performance, address critical bugs and start on stock management for vaccines, pushing requisitions to stock management

Update as of 6/5Paweł Gesek please note the shift from CCE. We are putting a pause on CCE for the time being as we take a look into integrating with Logisitmo and its asset management functionality.

Releasing 3.1.2 (at end of this sprint on June 21)

Paweł Gesek I would like your help with creating tickets for this sprint for releasing all the components (all except Ref-Distro). I'm not sure if you want individual tickets for each component OR just one ticket for a group of components. As before, part of the job is confirming the CHANGELOG is good, releasing (following docs.openlmis.org instructions), then updating SNAPSHOT for our next version we are working towards. We would also like your team to plan to release the Stock Management component plus the ones you had released last time. Team ILL will release Ref-Distro 3.1.2.

Stock Management

The first three tickets are part of longer term approach of connecting the requisition service to stock management. Please review Connecting the Stock Service and Requisition Service for more context on the approach. We are only doing the first three because they shouldn't impact Malawi (or need a migration) since we will be releasing the 3.1.2 patch at the end of the sprint. Also, please watch the Stock Management Service Code Walkthrough video for an introduction to the stock management code base before starting work. The last two tickets are the start of new features for vaccines (2654 and 2663). 

Paweł Gesek to look at production ready and to clarify with the team to determine what is needed.

Working towards 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

  • OLMIS-2670 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)
  • OLMIS-2669 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST) Q: The UI approach here is not chosen yet.
  • OLMIS-2671 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST) Q: Here as well we have two approaches outlined an open question for which one to use. Josh Zamor, we need your input.
  • OLMIS-2654 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST) Q: What will be the approach for configuring the VVM field availability? How should the VVM be stored (Josh's comment)?
  • OLMIS-2663 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)

Reference UI

Working towards 3.1.1

  • OLMIS-2635 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (ILL) (MUST - found in product testing)
  • OLMIS-2637 - Getting issue details... STATUS   (MUST - found in product testing) Q: need decisions on the approach
  • OLMIS-2648 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)
  • OLMIS-2660 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (ILL) (MUST)
    • NR: There is a more general bug underneath this — unknown and unselected options are both shown (resulting in that weird bubble)
  • OLMIS-249 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)
  • OLMIS-2623 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2626 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    Nice to Have:
  • OLMIS-2659 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2602 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2443 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Apply to user screen
    • Apply to login screen


Working on 4.0.0 because we are committing work on performance/payload that breaks past API consumers by removing unneeded fields!

  • Reserve for Malawi: Performance2017-06-07 Meeting notes 
    • OLMIS-2565 - Getting issue details... STATUS (MUST)
    • Ben Leibert to write up a ticket on requisition DTO and where it is used by the UI   Edit: I ended up creating MW-304, MW-305, and MW-306. Because their target audience is clearly a developer external to the core team, I didn't ultimately include them in the OLMIS project. I'd be happy to clone and move them, however, if you still prefer.

    • OLMIS-2641 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Needs discussion about approach; Josh posted 3 strategies)
    • OLMIS-2642 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • OLMIS-2638 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (ILL) (MUST - found in product testing)
  • OLMIS-2596 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST) Q: Could use more reproduction info
  • OLMIS-2636 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST - found in product testing) Q: does this still occur? I cannot repro
  • OLMIS-2567 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST - found in product testing) Q: are we opting for option C?
  • OLMIS-2543 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Q: How we want to deal with notifications? i.e. on initialize page
  • OLMIS-2193 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2612 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    Nice to Have bugs:
  • OLMIS-2437 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2429 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Josh Zamor UI now has character limit, should we dead this?)

Reference Data

Will be working towards 6.0.2



  • OLMIS-2232 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)
  • OLMIS-1498 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST) - I've changed this to just implement the thing, we already did the spec on Confluence.
  • OLMIS-2611 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (MUST)
  • OLMIS-2613 - Getting issue details... STATUS



  • OLMIS-2668 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Reserved for Malawi)

We'll hold off on finishing: OLMIS-2250 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Team ILL

Still to be created (and ping Mary Jo or Brandon to add to the sprint as soon as you create):

Already in sprint 28:


Working towards 1.0.0-beta. New component to support the feature set needed for implementers to manage their Cold Chain Equipment (Catalog, inventory, update temperature, RTM, and notifications).

Open Question: How does Reference Data factors into CCE? Or not? Please clarify this in the tickets/documentation.

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software