April 11 2017

April 11 2017

Call Information

  • 6:00AM PDT - Seattle
  • 9:00AM EDT - New York, DC
  • 4:00PM EAT - Tanzania
  • 9:00PM GMT +8 - China

  • Webex Link: Link
  • Meeting Number: 192 173 465
  • Host Key: 352864
  • Audio Connection +1-415-655-0001 



Software Development Update

  • 3.0.1 patch released
  • Planned 3.0.2 patch at the end of April. Aiming to released monthly to keep addressing bugs and adding minor improvements
  • Mary Jo and Tenly are also working on a recorded demo and other supporting materials (powered by logo, etc) OLMIS-2125 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Update on Key objectives for 3.1 :
    • Program Data : Working on gathering requirements for user defined/program data (Program Data Capture) and researching tools (Program Data Tech Research).
    • Reporting : defined users and research.
    • Stock mgmt (discuss update and open questions during this call)
    • Core Product : fixing bugs and addressing tech debt
10 min

Member updates?

Opportunity Section on the wiki - /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/112153195

5 minMembers

Update on vaccine work

5 minMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)


  • Update on batch view of requisitions for approval
5 min

Stock Management

  • Provide a brief update on status and walk members through physical inventory and adjustment workflows.
    • physical inventories can be done at any point and not on a schedule. Demo videos are uploaded to Stock Management Sprints
    • implementing adjustments, not sources and destinations yet.
  • Stock Management: Question #6 on lot management. Please share the current approach and let PC members weigh in on the approach and highlight any issues or other approaches.
    Lot Management for Stock Management Service There is an open question. What would the business process be if a country set up the OpenLMIS without lot feature but later turn it on. How will the system handle the historical data.
20 min

Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) (please make sure to ask and raise up question 6)

OpenHIE for LMIS

  • Paul and team have been talking to stakeholders about doing a community process for LMIS.
  • Who are the organizations and contacts who should be involved?
15 minMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Update on requests from the Governance Committee

  • Functional spec toolkit is up on Confluence - Functional Specification Template
  • Publish current implementation's roadmaps publicly
    • Update from Ashraf (Cote d'Ivoire, Zambia, Tanzania)
    • Update from Mary Jo (Benin and Mozambique)
  • Merging roadmaps to see across all implementations and 3.x
    • Blocked by first step
no update



Chris George (Unlicensed)Brian TaliesinChristine LenihanNuran Idris (Unlicensed)Dércio DuvaneShiyu Jin (Deactivated)Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed)Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)


Software Development Update

  • Released patch of end of last month - can find release notes under release section on wiki - mainly bug fixes, additional validations
  • Plan on doing monthly releases - next one right at end of April - bug fixes, refactorings, proof of concepts
  • Demo - still in progress - will be out there soon
  • Key objectives for 3.1
    • Open questions to DHIS2 - if any DHIS2 connections, let us know! (MJ in contact with Lars)
    • Reporting - last week lots of conversations around that around users and research
    • Stock management
    • Core product - bug fixing + tech debt

Member Updates

  • Brian: still working on gap analysis with folks in Zambia and Tanzania - hope to be ready by end of May
  • Gap analysis work is looking at eLMIS version and see what we haven’t achieved in version 3.0, and finding features to put on roadmap to get to feature parity
  • MJ: Governance committee has been sharing opportunities - please test out if you can see the ‘Opportunities (Community)’ pages, if can’t, let MJ know 
  • Tenly: this is a section where we’ll keep updated with proposals - space just for community members to access - space for members to share proposals and documents

Update on Vaccine work

  • Moving along with an upcoming workshop - with all the stakeholders identified
  • MJ demonstrated Powerpoint which has a good timeline on it to give insights into where things are at / going - JSI and PATH are supporting on this initiative - gathering requirements for all of these systems - will be putting together a minimal viable product on the vaccine work looks like - will get feedback from folks after May workshop - then going into software development and MJ will keep PC familiar with this
  • Vaccine work stream explanation - slide 7 has good high level features and doing workshop on this in May - chunked this into different domains (e.g. cold-chain, stock management, etc.)


  • Christine: the discussion on the batch view requisitions during the approval stage really helpful a few week back - looks like people were interested in this - Malawi tight timeline so moving forward with option that the Malawi team discussed vs. global team - if global team wants to be included then that can be contributed back to product
  • MJ: great demonstration of an implementation doing something and then giving back - proving out the theory of the microservices

Stock Management

(Shiyu presenting) 

  • Describing the process of the adjustment in stock management
    • Assumption that the stock manager makes adjustments for his home facility programs - currently higher level managers doing this is de-prioritized
    • Choose reason first - all products added here would be recorded as same reason
    • Adding products to an adjustment
    • Can also change adjustment quantity after submit in case of mistake
  • Questions / Feedback
    • Nuran: What do you expect user to put in signature? Will the system accept when a signature is placed who is not the logged in user?
    • MJ: Do you think it would be needed or something that isn’t needed? We’ve heard folks want this additional thing of typing in their name
    • Nuran: exactly for audit reasons is the reason for my questions - putting in someone else’s name on signature - since we are in the system, every user keeps own username and password, encourage users to use their own signatures
    • Gaurav: in India, there was a requirement to have e-signing, particularly to be necessary when receiving stock (less so on adjustments) - other thought that since already signed in you are saying again who you are so seemed redundant - when system is running up at all times, may need more than one user per system
    • MJ: another option could be instead of having a signature, could populate your username automatically
    • Nuran: noticed that one of the products didn’t have a lot number, is that not mandatory, is that right?
    • Shiyu / MJ: yes, more complicated on that and will discuss that soon
    • Gaurav: is it possible to switch from reason first, products second to product first, then reasons? You could have a first product that has 4 damaged / 4 expired, so would be product focused - don’t think facility officers are reason focused, but more product focused
    • MJ: this has been a deep discussion - we have heard both - is product first, or adjustment type first? Should we have either option?
    • Brian: it is interesting type of model - seen people use the same type of reason for a batch - seems fine to do two adjustments for batches of products
    • Dercio put in a note that intuitively selecting the products first seems more intuitive before applying a reason
    • Shiyu: how about dates - will there be different dates for damaged vs. dates for expired
    • Gaurav: yes, there is a question on the integrity of stock on hand - within month vs. exact date
    • MJ: If multiple reasons at once, would you also need multiple dates?
    • Gaurav: yeah, I agree - would be good to reach out to other countries to see if this should be configurable
    • MJ: with our timelines, we can’t do configuration yet - will need to make a decision first - Lakshmi had initially put in a reason first - need to figure out what’s the first way to do this, then we can modify the experience later
    • Nuran: I have seen people look to see a product’s overall view of what adjustments that have happened on that single product so agree with Gaurav’s point on India
    • MJ: Date is a required field on the adjustment / transaction
    • Gaurav: what about data quality on this?
    • MJ: Facility Edition is doing it on each transaction - but don’t have enough information on 
    • Brian: Are we assuming they are paper first and then recording this into OpenLMIS later?
    • MJ: Probably depend on the implementation - observed that they’ve done a parallel process at beginning - but haven’t seen anyone remove the paper more quickly
    • Brian: replicating the ledgers and copying those into the system, requiring double entry
    • MJ: Facility Edition got closer to a transaction, which would improve data integrity - seems I’m hearing we are preferring to copy a paper process as opposed to being more transactional? Is that correct?
    • MJ: Personally, I’d like to see this be an opportunity to be a transactional system, more daily vs. monthly - but we also operating in a unique world
    • MJ: If anyone has any insights on who to talk to around this (transactional focus vs. paper based focus), please share.
  • MJ: not enough time for lots, but please look through this and give input on this
  • Shiyu will send out email on lot information

OpenHIE for LMIS

  • Mary Jo will circulate an initial list on stakeholders to be a part of the conversation - please provide any more inputs on who should be involved in these conversations / confirm that this list is who would have good input into this community process for HIE
  • Tenly: on the next Governance Committee call, Scott from InStead will talk about how to streamline HIE conversations - internal discussions on how to make those conversations more efficient - if anyone interested in Governance call next week,  you can hear more about this next week on April 18th


Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee-20170411 1256-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)


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