Demo for Ukraine MoH- Feb 1 2021

Demo for Ukraine MoH- Feb 1 2021

Date Feb 1, 2021

OpenLMIS participantsWesley BrownRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Josh Zamor

Ukraine participants: Vladislav Samoilov (  ), Oleg Svientukh (USAID project, also implemented of Global Fund recipient; state enterprise for e-Health and eHealth administrator; Safe Med product , MoH represented (eHealth Directorate) 


  • Introductions
  • Virtual Tour of the System
    • Demo of Stock Mgmt feature
  • Technical Q&A
  • Overview of OpenLMIS implementation process and community


Contacted us on behalf of "supporting eHealth infrastructure development in Ukraine" project funded by USAID. Our project cooperates with the Ministry of health in Ukraine in terms of eHealth development and LMIS introduction as an integral part of eHealth ecosystem. I cc colleagues from MOH eHealth directorate and State Enterprise "Electronic health". 

With COVID19 LMIS became the highest priority item on our agenda and we are actively conducting a preliminary market research on available solutions. We do also move forward in line with joint GF/GAVI country guidance on selecting LMIS. 

It was a good news that OpenLMIS created within OHIE initiative have been shortlisted by GF/GAVI RFI as this system shares a lot of crucial things with our eHealth system, including HL7 FHIR and high level architecture approach (central component/interoperability layer connected to MISs via API) etc.

Tech background:

  • have more than 30 medical info systems conected to the central component; this has facility registry, patient info, and info for over 3k facilities and millions of patients. Doctors registry also included, preliminary drug registry. Based on HL7FHIR; have interoperability with drug store system; electronic prescriptions and disbursements are also connected to reimbursement to patients. They were planning on implementing an eLMIS on this same architecture; want a modular system based on APIs so it can connect but the doctors can interface with the system that they are used to and follow the same business processes that they are used to 
  • What they are expecting: a preliminary dive into what OpenLMIS can offer ; this is not procurement process; they know we were shortlisted 
  • they have 19 programs funded from the state budget; procurement is done once a year. Once a year facilities submit a request to the MoH. 

Demo: Wes provided demo of stock mgmt and showed our reporting stack

Multiple questions re: integration possibilities and architecture (whether OpenLMIS is modular, if you can implement it in pieces)

Funding situation: expect from Global Fund, CDC and USAID; plan to issue RFI later which will only be available to the shortlisted candidates

Next steps:

  • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) send follow up email with link to promotional video, meeting recording, and other info on:
    • GS1 , integration, how to track movement of drugs
    • links to our integrations (NextLeaf, etc.); to enable them to evaluate the 3rd party solutions as well

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software