Debrief with PSM Jean Miller
Date: March 16, 2020
OpenLMIS participants: Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Brian Taliesin
- Introductory comments (Brian)
- How we started, what we have accomplished to date
- Country implementations (Rebecca)
- Overview of software (if needed, Rebecca)
- Who are the stewards and what do they do? (Rebecca)
- See details at Steward wiki page:
- Overview of the OpenLMIS Community:
- Governance Committee
- Product Committee
- Technical Committee
- PSM role in the governance committee (voting member)
- New business opportunities
- Trello Board- stewards use this to track and manage opportunities for country implementation
- Where we are heading (Brian)
- Overview of sustainability work
- Partnership working group
- Housekeeping/admin: (Rebecca)
- Join Atlassian to access our wiki
- Use Discourse as online discussion forum- Rebecca to send link to join
- FYI we also use slack as collaboration channel (but not needed if you dont want to)
- Meeting invitation for monthly governance calls
- Meeting invitation for bi-weekly Partnership Working Group calls
She has a sense that many countries want to use OpenLMIS; we are making the path for upgrades easier; user interface seperate from back end; upgrade process is for countries to download and test
Question from Jean re: translation to arabic/asian langauges: not supported yet; would require a bit of work and funding to get the translations right for industry standards
Question re: our business development process: Rebecca explained process; she prefers simple contracts with one prime (not a consortium)
PSM/OpenLMIS working together: She recognizes opportnity for PSM to 'market' OpenLMIS accross their global presence; Brian: We value their input on learning what the market demands are, so that we can get those features and functionality on our roadmap
Lab Module: strong suggestion from Jean to develop a Lab module. Countries are asking for it and nobody has anything; they are just using spreadsheets and there is 'no enforcement'. It would be best to have all the data in one place for HIV, labs; she will pitch this idea more to USAID and to countries. This would need to include a maintainence piece re: how to
Lab opportunity- she is going to push from her end to get a list of requirements- she wanted to know if we could possibly add this and how long it would take. She thinks it would be a good way to get countries to sign onto using OpenLMIS, because they all want lab systems and OpenLMIS could be the one stop shop;
Next steps:
Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to send followup email to Jean with summary of notes; future calls to attend, and housekeeping/to-dos; resources
Jean to send us lists of questions that countries have so we can support with info/advocacy materials
Jean to send us sample spreadsheet of lab system info; to help give us an idea of what Lab Module Requirements would be
Jean to participate in upcoming governance and partnership WG calls
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software