USAID GS1 and BI&A - December 15, 2016
Agenda & Notes
Date | Location | Attendees | Action Items |
December 15, 2016 | CAMRIS South Conference Room 2461 S. Clark St. 4th Floor Arlington, VA 22202 | Lindabeth Doby, USAID Brian Taliesin PATH Ashraf Islam JSI Alpha Nsaghurwe - JSI TZ Glen Milano - USAID COR BI&A Contracts Kyle Duarte - PSM Wendy Nicodemus - JSI Zambia Christopher Opit - JSI Zambia Brad Stora - GHSC BI&A Technical Lead Bob Celeste - RC Partners Beth Cusack - RC Partners Family Planning Mary Jo Kochendorfer - VR Greg Meyer - USAID Supply Chain for Health Michael Cooper - GHSC BI&A Data Architect Chris George - TW Danni Yu - TW Brandon Bowersox-Johnson - VR Tenly Snow - VR Josh Zamor - VR (phone) Jake Watson - VR Eric Mele - Project Director GHSC BI&A Clerisse Lemke - USAID Beth Cusack - RC Partners Bob Celeste - RC Partners Greg Meyer - USAID |
Additional Reading
Product Master - DRAFT Eric Mele (Unlicensed)
KPI Brochure - Lindabeth Doby
Presentation by Michael Cooper
Jake: Support for spatial data (will share)
When to assign GLNs
- Number them, share globally, open for many purposes
- "Master Facility List" can hold the GLN, Epicore ID, OpenLMIS ID, etc.
- Tie to OpenHIE
Jake: How much to assign GLNs
Lindabeth: Need a business case
Beth: Still use other stands even if not assigning GLN (use the data structure)
Wendy: There is a global project working on master facility lists "global MFL"
Eric: Master Data Trustee Group at USAID
Presentation by Eric Mele
Consistency for all GHSC contracts, publish data to share
Family Planning uses GPC
All else is UNSPSC
Tanzania Project: Lindabeth and Brand
Lindabeth: We've implemented Epicore in zonal warehouses. Gates work on VAN pushed us to make data useful. Matt gave access to data. BI&A team helping create visualizations.
Gloas: See stocks, facilitate transfers
Data: SO, POs, GRNs
Use informatica as ETL toolLoad in all eLMIS data"Adapter" concept with OpenLMIS
Issues: Manual data lineup
See Logical Dashboard drawing in image below.
Entity relationship model
300 logical entities (some USAID specific entities)
From the point of view of the procurer view (owner of the supply chain)
Different geographic hierarchy
"program support of control over products or programs"
More generic Logistics Locations
Purchase order = order (from approved requisition)
Sales order = shipment
Everyone would need a GLN
Product classification
Trade item id
OpenLMIS Presentation - MJ & Josh
Brian: Is vaccines a separate service or baked into whole product?
Eric: Wants more about reporting
- Josh answered about Tableau
- Goal: To enable countries to generate their own reports
- Eric's worry is stand name and metrics in reports. Eg "Inventory Turns"
- Lindabeth: USAID ISG has some standard KPIs with definitions
- 1 - In-country existing reports to watch
- Donor reporting
- Supply chain best practices built in
- Issue around definitions of report terms/calculations
- Have a glossary? Show on the report
- Document in wiki
Product Model
Mike Cooper to work with Josh to refine. Brian T, Ashraf, Beth, and small group to refine and bring back to larger group to review
VR to reschedule
Section from Brad
Tanzania BI&A effort
Visualization of the data for Tanzania
Informatica to do data mapping
Already thinking about next version
Looking to create dashboards for actionable data
Data harmonizing Tanzania
9500 total EPICOR9 products
2500 ordered recently
375 (potential tracer products)
20 tracer products
Don't communicate back from EPICOR9 back to eLMIS
Still working on the terminology for the KPIs
Inventory turns
Supply chain
Later Conversation around SCM, product list Malawi and OpenLMIS
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