CHAI/VillageReach + Global Fund - Rapid COVID Response
Date: Mar 26, 2020
Participants: @Wesley Brown , Guarav Bhattacharya (CHAI), Iain Barton (CHAI), Mathieu Courtois (Global Fund)
Meeting #1
(Guarav, Iain, Wes)
Limited rollout, specific to COVID response
Limited products, and configuration
Quickly spin up instances in the cloud
OLMIS - Wambo interface
Guarav - May be easier to interface with the country warehouse rather than Wambo
Ian - Lacking a interface between Wambo
For MVP, just focus on interface with warehouse
Data Ownership
Guarav - Ministries should own their data and be able to benefit from it
What is the max time we have to define and create the MVP
Iain is looking for a very fast response on this, having a high-level idea of the MVP by the end of the week
Meeting #2
(Guarav, Wes)
MVP Ideas
Limit to COVID Products
Stock management and requisitions
Include any facilities that might need PPE
Should be able to request items
Push system (?) where national-level sets the orders
National level users can create requisitions for facilities
Proof of delivery based on created orders
Might want to leverage CCE equipment tracking for ventilators
Ability to get pipeline information (stuff being ordered) in the order fulfillment in OLMIS
Or maybe from OLMIS into Wambo for reporting?
Perhaps Wambo into OLMIS reporting?
Setup "Global" OLMIS instance, each country would be a facility in the global instance
Automated Import or manual entry of usage data
Country requisitions could be created from this global instance and then passed on to Wambo to fulfill
The "Buffer Warehouse" is a complication, if this is modeled as a facility then how do country facilities request from it?
Wambo Integration
This could be a lot of work and we're not yet sure how that would look
Likely part of a future phase
Akin is working closely with a dev contractor in Nigeria who would do the work
Akin and I would work together to ensure that this work is done well
Are marginally familiar with the system
How do we simplify the User and Facility setup?
Perhaps we could use the WHO list for facilities?
Users - ?
Meeting #3
(Guarav, Iain, Wes, Mathieu)
Mostly a discussion on how Global Fund can source and procure the PPE and other products.
2 Main options for sourcing:
Collaborative sourcing and procurement through wambo
Pooled volumes, individual sourcing, and procurement through wambo
Meeting #4
(Guarav, Wes)
Notes: Just further discussion on the MVP and how the buffer warehouse could be implemented in the global instance.
Meeting #5
(Guarav, Satish, Brandon, Wes)
Brandon: Might be possible to set up everything within a single instance of OpenLMIS (using the permissions and configuration options)
Need to determine what custom work would be required for the initial MVP:
Export of orders to Wambo
Using the CCE service for ventilators
Wambo Integration Meeting (27/3/2020)
(Gaurav, Satish, Mathieu, Kevin (Global Fund), Steven Harsono, @Wesley Brown , @Josh Zamor )
OpenLMIS integration is normally through flat files
Need to have consistent product identifiers - ie, GS1
What messages would we need to pass?
PO (ish), ASN
OLMIS has a simplified order that is sends out
OLMIS receives a similarly simple file back from the Warehouse/ERP
Purchase Requisition is what we would be creating in Wambo (from OpenLMIS)
This would then get processed and turned into a Purchase Order by the Wambo system
ASN refers to individual PR line items, down to the lot leve
Integration does support csv files
There are some other country-level fields that would need to be filled out
This would likely need to be manually filled out if we're going to this quickly
Will need to figure out how to translate between OLMIS and Wambo Product Lists
Feed OpenLMIS data directly from Wambo so the data is consistent
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