CHAI/VillageReach + Global Fund - Rapid COVID Response

CHAI/VillageReach + Global Fund - Rapid COVID Response

Date: Mar 26, 2020

Participants: @Wesley Brown , Guarav Bhattacharya (CHAI), Iain Barton (CHAI), Mathieu Courtois (Global Fund)


Meeting #1

(Guarav, Iain, Wes)


  • Limited rollout, specific to COVID response

  • Limited products, and configuration

  • Quickly spin up instances in the cloud

  • OLMIS - Wambo interface

    • Guarav - May be easier to interface with the country warehouse rather than Wambo

    • Ian - Lacking a interface between Wambo

    • For MVP, just focus on interface with warehouse

  • Data Ownership

    • Guarav - Ministries should own their data and be able to benefit from it

  • What is the max time we have to define and create the MVP

    • Iain is looking for a very fast response on this, having a high-level idea of the MVP by the end of the week

Meeting #2

(Guarav, Wes)


  • MVP Ideas

    • Limit to COVID Products

    • Stock management and requisitions

    • Include any facilities that might need PPE

      • Should be able to request items

      • Push system (?) where national-level sets the orders

        • National level users can create requisitions for facilities

    • Proof of delivery based on created orders

  • Might want to leverage CCE equipment tracking for ventilators

  • Ability to get pipeline information (stuff being ordered) in the order fulfillment in OLMIS

    • Or maybe from OLMIS into Wambo for reporting?

    • Perhaps Wambo into OLMIS reporting?

  • Setup "Global" OLMIS instance, each country would be a facility in the global instance

    • Automated Import or manual entry of usage data

    • Country requisitions could be created from this global instance and then passed on to Wambo to fulfill

    • The "Buffer Warehouse" is a complication, if this is modeled as a facility then how do country facilities request from it?

  • Wambo Integration

    • This could be a lot of work and we're not yet sure how that would look

    • Likely part of a future phase

  • Akin is working closely with a dev contractor in Nigeria who would do the work

    • Akin and I would work together to ensure that this work is done well

    • Are marginally familiar with the system


  • How do we simplify the User and Facility setup?

    • Perhaps we could use the WHO list for facilities?

    • Users - ?

Meeting #3

(Guarav, Iain, Wes, Mathieu)


Mostly a discussion on how Global Fund can source and procure the PPE and other products.

2 Main options for sourcing:

  1. Collaborative sourcing and procurement through wambo

  2. Pooled volumes, individual sourcing, and procurement through wambo

Meeting #4

(Guarav, Wes)

Notes: Just further discussion on the MVP and how the buffer warehouse could be implemented in the global instance.

Meeting #5

(Guarav, Satish, Brandon, Wes)


Brandon: Might be possible to set up everything within a single instance of OpenLMIS (using the permissions and configuration options)

Need to determine what custom work would be required for the initial MVP:

  • Export of orders to Wambo

  • Using the CCE service for ventilators

@Wesley Brown Email SolDevelo about possibility to assist in this work in the near future
CHAI will work on concept note for team to review tomorrow

Wambo Integration Meeting (27/3/2020)

(Gaurav, Satish, Mathieu, Kevin (Global Fund), Steven Harsono, @Wesley Brown , @Josh Zamor )

  • OpenLMIS integration is normally through flat files

    • Need to have consistent product identifiers - ie, GS1

  • What messages would we need to pass?

    • PO (ish), ASN

    • OLMIS has a simplified order that is sends out

    • OLMIS receives a similarly simple file back from the Warehouse/ERP

  • Wambo

    • Purchase Requisition is what we would be creating in Wambo (from OpenLMIS)

      • This would then get processed and turned into a Purchase Order by the Wambo system

    • ASN refers to individual PR line items, down to the lot leve

    • Integration does support csv files

    • There are some other country-level fields that would need to be filled out

      • This would likely need to be manually filled out if we're going to this quickly

    • Will need to figure out how to translate between OLMIS and Wambo Product Lists

      • Feed OpenLMIS data directly from Wambo so the data is consistent

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