Introductory Call with Rajeesh Menon -India vaccine program

Introductory Call with Rajeesh Menon -India vaccine program

Date April 9, 2021

OpenLMIS participantsWesley BrownRebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Rajeesh R Menon <Rajeesh.Menon@in.ey.com>, Sagar Bele; program managers for DIVOC (open source last mile system)


Involved with VIVOC for last mile vaccinations; this is an open source solution. COVIN (India's vaccination program). Link to DIVOC site: https://divoc.egov.org.in/ 

Existing system being used is a priorietary system; reached out to find a scalable, proven solution

 possibly are looking at in India/LMIC (and as an partner for DIVOC, hopefully). We were evaluating good open-source vaccine supply chain & logistics management packages & hence, got to learn more about OpenLMIS. I can see that it’s a vibrant community, with multiple partners including PATH – I was wondering if you are involved in this effort as well? I am eager to learn more about OpenLMIS – going through their confluence pages now – but if you happen to know the right people involved in the product/engineering team behind OpenLMIS, it would be great if you can introduce them to me. It would be great to know more about their future roadmap, details of the community support model, and deeper dive into the underlying architecture (I presume there are extensions present for OpenSRP, DHIS2 etc..).


Supply chain system was used for childhood vaccinations for 4-5 years; long term need to extend to other 

5 years of legacy with the current system which has a lot of data

a few custom requirements; could be handled either by OpenLMIS or an external party

Questions for us (largely technical):

Scalability- how can we reach large population like India

How does technical support work for technical challenges

Migration: how does the data migration work; 

  • onboard state by state for migration; might not need to migrate transactional data but for master suite need to migrate data for smooth transition
  • Are there existing scripts/schemas to refer to? to see migration script to see how it works? 
  • Wes answered this referring to the different options that exist and we have used before

Can it do live stock monitoring?

Does it do any workforce management?

How do you do file management?

Biometric authentication - does existing platform support this? (in case they wanted to use that to verify the stock migration)

Next steps:

Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) send follow up email with materials including COVID Edition

Follow up meeting on April 21

briefly spoke to MoH about their current system and frustrations; they want to plan to have a demo environment on their end so that they can get a feel for it. Want to have a demo instance set up; so we need to give them a demo so that they can demo it to the govt

Sagar: provided documents to a south American country; trying to deploy a local instance so they can give inputs on usability, UI, etc. They are setting up the POC and have faced some issues:

  • Wes: Re setting up the demo site, we can help with this BUT you could also just use our existing demo site. Getting it configured and up and running can be difficult
    • they want to look at functional fit from the demo. But then they will have their technical teams take up an independent evaluation of the system (how easy it is to set up, resources, available)
  • they want to know how easy it is to stand up
  • demos might involve more than one step

They will plan to do a demo for the India MoH either this Friday or Monday (wil invite us if the MoH allows) in the meantime Wes can help him with technical set up so he gets to understand it better

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