OpenLMIS Stakeholder Meeting in Dar Es Salaam

OpenLMIS Stakeholder Meeting in Dar Es Salaam


  1. Agree on the scope and approach to performing a gap analysis of Tanzania/Zambia eLMIS vs OpenLMIS v3.
  2. Review and understand the following eLMIS/OpenLMIS features:
    1. ESMS Mobile App (Mozambique)
    2. Facility Edition (Zambia)
    3. Reporting (Zambia and Tanzania)
    4. Review and agree on governance model for reviewing and approving new feature work in 2017 and beyond
    5. Review known 2017 OpenLMIS projects, discuss ways to collaborate, and rebalance/reprioritize 2017 feature roadmap


GHSC Offices

Renaissance Plaza

Plot No. 498. , Unit 301

Hallie Selassie Rd.


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Day 1: Monday, November 14th




0830 -0930

Introductions and Goals/Expectations


Jake Watson

0930 – 1030

HIS Architecture Review & Discussion

Review several predominant national HIS architectures

Brian Taliesin

1030 -1050

Coffee Break

1100 -1230

Trip Findings: High-Level Review of the Prior Week’s Visits

  • Tanzania
  • Zambia

Kevin Cussen/Mary Jo Kochendorfer (TZ)

Christine Lenihan (ZM)

1230 -1330


1330 – 1500

eLMIS/OpenLMIS Feature Showcase:

  • Facility Edition (Zambia)
  • ESMS Mobile App (Mozambique)

Chris Opit (JSI) & Tim Bollinger (CHAI), Danni Yu (Thoughtworks)

1500 -1515

Coffee Break

1515 – 1630

Reporting Overview:

  • Tanzania
  • Zambia

Alpha Nsaghurwe

Chris Opit

1630 – 1700

Wrap Up & Preview of Day 2 Objectives

Jake Watson

* Happy Hour (same venue)


Day 2: Tuesday, November 15th





COTS vs OpenSource Analysis & Q&A


Kaleb Brownlow

0930 – 1015

2017 OpenLMIS Roadmap Review

Mary Jo Kochendorfer

1015 -1030

Coffee Break

1030 -1230

2017 Roadmap Prioritization Exercise & Discussion

Brian Taliesin

1230 -1330


1330 -1415

Approach to Zambia/Tanzania/Cote d’Ivoire Gap Analysis

Lindabeth Doby, Kevin Cussen

1415 - 1510

Governance & Product Committee Process Review

Jake Watson

1510 -1530

Coffee Break

1530 - 1700

Governance & Product Committee Process Review

Jake Watson

* Group Drinks & Dinner (optional)

Ashraf IslamTeam Leader, SDEJSIaislam@jsi.com
Lakshmi BalachandranProg MgrJSILbalachandran@jsi.com
Danni YuSoftware ConsultantThoughtWorksdyu@thoughtworks.com
Shiyu JinBusiness Analysis Project MgrTHoughtWorkssyjin@thoughtworks.com
Tim Bollinger Sr Prog MgrCHAItbollinger@clintonhealthaccess.org
Edward WilsonDirector, Ctr for Health LogisticsJSIewilson@jsi.com
Niza SikanaSr Advisor eLMISVillageReachniza.sikana@villagereach.org
Erin Larsen-CooperManager, Health SystemsVillageReacherin.larsen-cooper@villagereach.org
Nsaghurwe AlphaHIS/MIS LeadJSInalpha@tz.jsi.com
Ismail KoleleniHIS Prog MgrUDSMismailkoleleni@gmail.com
Marasi MwenchaD/ COPGHSCmmwencha@jsi.com
Wendy BomettDMISJSI-AIDSFreewendy_bomett@zm.jsi.com
Gaurav BhattacharyaDirector, Tech SolutionsCHAIgbhattacharya@clintonhealthaccess.org
Kaleb BrownlowSupply Chain Prog. OfficerBMGFKaleb.brownlow@gatesfoundation.org
Kevin CussenInformation Systems MgrVillageReachkevin.cussen@villagereach.org
Lindabeth DobyMIS AdvisorUSAIDldoby@usaid.gov
Chris OpitDir. ITJSI-AIDSFreechris_opit@zm.jsi.com
Christine LenihanAssociate, Info SystemsVillageReachchrisine.lenihan@villagereach.org
Jake WatsonDirector, Info SystemsVillageReachjake.watson@villagereach.org
Mary Jo KochendorferManager, Info SystemsVillageReachmaryjo.kochendorfer@villagereach.org
Rachel PowersAssociate, Info SystemsVillageReachrachel.powers@villagereach.org
Brian RowlandDirector, Systems StrengtheningPSMbrowland@ghsc-psm.org
Kyle DuarteMIS SystemsPSMkduarte@ghsc-psm.org
Brian TalesinDigital HealthPATHbtalesin@path.org
Nicholas MwendaConsultantPATHmwendajr05@gmail.com

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