UNDP meeting re: RFP-Jan 5, 2021

UNDP meeting re: RFP-Jan 5, 2021

Date: Jan 5, 2021

OpenLMIS participantsRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Brandon Bowersox-JohnsonSierra Petrosky (Unlicensed)Wesley Brown, Lisbee

UNDP:  Zafar Yuldashev (Procurement Specialist), Viktor Cherniaoski(Procurement Specialist), *Chinara could not attend

Internal reference docs:

Invitation to Bid can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5mr02prtd6cjfjs/ITB_GPH2720000.docx.pdf?dl=0

Most recent Returnable Forms sections (completed by Sierra) can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/54yifbkwqo3pfvb/Section%206%20Returnable%20forms%20-%20SP%2012.29.docx?dl=0

Proposed agenda by UNDP for today:

  1. Representation of Open LMIS by Village Reach
  2. Village Reach operational structure


-Zafar: This is a continuation of the Global Fund/Gavi process; they are running a bidding process among the pre-qualified solutions to be able to establish several LTAs.

will be important for us to provide information about the other partners as well

VR will br primary signatory for all agreements; VR would be umbrella org who sign all subsequent agreements, others would be sub

  • How can we reflect Enterprise Support in the pricing?
    • Zafar: our current fee structure will support it as such; its a good idea. We can specify it separately; specify the professional fees. They would pay license fee, support and other costs would be charged under professional fees. So we can specify support fee. Would the support fee vary based on the size of the country? Brandon: We have had a flat fee for any country implementation regardless of size, although we have talked about a tiered price structure in the future. So we can include and explain this in the professional support
    • It is more attractive of them to sign a flat fee option. Can specify it in the bid as a separate line. Once we reach the flat fee. They are relying on Chris and Chinara 
  • Pricing :
    • Brandon: SaaS is not a current offering but its something
  • Chinara: Enterprise Support should go under the professional support fee. This is part of the implementation
    • We are offering a flat fee, per year, regardless of size of country. 
  • Brandon: We don't have a SaaS offering right now; Enterprise Support doesn't include SaaS hosting; it includes updates to the software and access to the software team. Maybe the Professional Services section is the right place to articulate this. Enterprise Support is the software support without the hosting and not including in country support or implementation costs.  Trainings would fall under other professional services. 
    • Brandon: For the perpetual license option what would it include? Chinara: Does it include bug fixes? Wes: This work would be done by specific implementation partners who do customizations. Versus if there are things that need to be done in core OpenLMIS
  • Initial contract will be issued with VR and they will be responsible for the implementation
  • Chinara: need some legal link with the other partners to prove that we have a formal agreement with those companies. Brandon: We might not have a direct contract between all of the current partners. We could have them sign something as part of putting together this proposal. Agree that the company will be providing x types of services to show a legally binding contractual relationship. Zafar: Easiest thing would be to sign MOU or agreement to agree that VR will act as the lead and others will provide support/implement
  • Question from Zafar: Each country can continue to get the upgrades? Brandon: Yes

For reference, notes from yesterday's Stewards call:

  • List of Questions for Chinara (UNDP)in tomorrow's meeting:
    1. How to divide the application content between VR and other partners?
      • For example: "Company profile"- to put only VR info or combine with other partner info? CVs? 
      • Brandon: focus on way they can get supported OpenLMIS software, and then say in the work to implement/roll it out would come from the partners. We don't have to price other than give range/ceilings 
    2. How to position Enterprise support and our open source nature in the budget/strategy of the submission Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to raise this in the call
      • Describe Enterprise support, show our flyer, and talk about how implementations work–how does this fit into the form?
  •  Coordination with Vitalliance on this effort:
    • Has this bid come up in any recent conversations with them? 
    • I'm pretty sure they are submitting a bid for OneNetwork; and since they will steward OpenLMIS in the future, how will this work? VR just remain the lead on this specific opportunity? (because multiple LTAs cannot be issued to Vitalliance)
    • Come up with wording for the bid, "There is another partner that will begin stewarding this..."
    • Check with Ann Holmes on opinion + potential wording in bid 
  • Can we internally sync on how we think we should approach the cost section of the application? Options are either to give lump sum or SaaS... 
    • and how will we come up with the estimates? They should be a conservative estimate as once country-specific opportunities are named the numbers will be used as s reference ceiling which future OpenLMIS country bids cannot exceed
    • Brandon: use lots of caveats, with asterics and explanatory paragraph. To say that prices dont account for size of country, scale of implementation, training model, etc. So we can add onto the pricing form
    • Could CHAI assist on the SaaS pricing (what they are funding for the COVID edition for Cameroon)?

Next Steps:

  • Draft MOU for all partners to sign as a link to VR for the future bids (how do we do this??) Anne Holmes?
  • Sync with this team on pricing options; determine whether we will go for Lot A, B or both
  • Brandon Bowersox-Johnson or Kim Couri to mention the bid to Vitalliance in next conversation
  • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) make request to all partners for a signed CV

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