Demo for Nigeria NPHCDA, 2021

Demo for Nigeria NPHCDA, 2021

Date March 25, 2021

OpenLMIS participantsWesley BrownRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Nigeria participants: Yoms Ishaku, OYAOLE, Daniel Rasheed <oyaoler@who.int>, Binay Kumar <bkumar@gavi.org>, Hamidreza Setayesh <hsetayesh@gavi.org>, Ahmad Isah Muhammad <aimuhammad@unicef.org>, Frederic Panek <fp@novel-t.ch>, Onome from Gavi, Binyay Kumar Gavi, Craig Byernick Gavi, Hajia- she was the lead and head of the group

Agenda: (TBD)

  • Introductions
  • Virtual Tour of the System
    • Demo of Stock Mgmt feature?
  • Technical Q&A
  • Overview of OpenLMIS implementation process and community


currently using ODK base LMIS, 

interested in total cost of ownership

Interoperability with GS1- (brian answered)

OpenSRP functionality- capture data at a facility level, and flow into OpenLMIS; not being used to date, originates at the mobile app then flows from opensrp server

The DISC indicators; what others are there; closed vial wastage; on time in full; timliness, 

VVM, temperature, temperature monitoring device–we integrate with NextLeaf for this

*Sustainability-- benefits from managerial point of view

  • *what implications the partnership will have

Management point of view

  • dashboard: different data available for different level of users (national MoH for program oversight, vs facility specific data to streamline facility processes; zoomed out view for example can inform product sharing/borrowing between facilities) ; zoom in/zoom out 
  • configurable to existing system, approvals, keeping existing processes in place and just transitioning them into OpenLMIS (limited changes in SOPs)

Demo: Wes provided demo of stock mgmt and cce capabilities


functionality with DHIS2

incorporation of DISC indicators; ability to report on those

Funding situation: 

Next steps:

Recording link:


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