Nigeria partners working session re: SOW

Nigeria partners working session re: SOW

Date: April 8, 2021

Participants: Ashraf, Brian T, Brandon, Christine, Jakub, Johnnie, Sebastian, Rebecca

Context: Current system is ODK just messaging, with very low reporting of inventory. First basic priority is to have visibility of inventory. Audit is coming up and without a system in place it looks very bad. And there is the case of COVID vaccines, concerned with wastages.

Scoping should look into a phased rollout, starting from the national strategic warehouse and 6 zonal locations, followed by 36 states and then 778 LGAs, with a relatively tight timeline. For the trainings, I hope we can consider maximizing the use of various digital platforms (including the possibility of offline sharing of learning materials), enhanced with a qualification system that rewards successful completion. Strong desire to work in DHIS2 ecosystem. Ability to support GS1 was a key question

Questions from the group:

Ashraf: What existing LMIS is there? Johnnie: There is a high level application that is in use at central warehouse level; desire to integrate that with an LMIS; also an implementation with the OneNetwork tool (only at the national level?) to report to the state. Any tool put in place will need to be able to integrate wtih it. At central level they are using DHIS2 tool. Long term goal is to have NHLMIS do everything

  • is NHLMIS used for vaccines? (not sure)

  • Trevor: OneNetwork is working as a data aggregator at the central level (driven by Chemonics)

  • scope: only vaccines? vaccines are priority but open to other products

  • Field intelligence is the service provider for the NHLMIS- contracted by the Chemonics grant to do the implementation. Field intelligence team have a large footprint in Nigeria

Ashraf: Do we get the sense that they would go for sole-source? They might select the platform and then have a limited RFP. Operating assumption that OpenLMIS consortium would have opportunity to bid.

Ashraf: interested to contribute to in-country activities; have strong presence and history working in Nigeria. Being able to speak to the HISP connection, use of GSI in the mix. Being able to support the COVID Edition and migrating to other products

Johnnie: JSI has lots of experience in Nigeria; Johnnie is Country Lead in Nigeria (based in Washington DC). We have people on the ground who can be mobilized. Have been asked by USAID Nigeria to support COVID Response (M-RITE work). M-RITE does not include COVID Edition in its desired scope. Can try to harmonize this SOW. There might be some regional focus because scaling to all LGAs at once will be difficult. Worked remotely a lot last year.

  • ongoing conversation using another warehouse application; interoperability with this platform is key

Trevor: If there is any support Vitalliance can offer (relationships with Imperial from private sector side, or experience implementing GS1, etc.). OneNetwork in Ghana was implemented as their LMIS and adapted; can connect us with local people for info/advise

Christine: VillageReach’s perspective on the partners/SOW, we are interested in supporting and particularly growing the use of OpenLMIS for vaccines but as Rebecca said, we don’t have a large presence in Nigeria. We do have one of our supply chain managers based there, who could likely support, but having a partner with a strong local presence would be good. Brandon: stakeholders seem interested in supply chain integration. We are happy to use our past knowledge and be advisors

Brandon: Would it make sense to tap the knowledge of the Field people? They are smart and full of good ideas Trevor: willing to check in with them to make that connection. They have a level-headed perspective. They might have sunset Navision and can could provide insights/lessons from the past


System approach: Should we advise them to start with COVID Edition in the LGAs (for quick start-up and vaccine tracking), then subsequently migrate to other products?

o   How to we set up the system to set it up for success beyond COVID (and for other products such as MNCH)?

Ashraf: From political perspective, might be good to start with COVID. Might be better received as wouldn't threaten other products. This would create a stepping stone for us to branch out.

Christine: agrees. This is the fast option with a defined scope and might be easier to set expectations that the process would be iterative. And give us a chance to simultaneously be doing work to prep for routine immunization

Brian T: think COVID Edition is great place to start- addresses immediate challenge of Gavi audit and demonstrating value quickly; creates almost a hosted working demo site with clear ramp to in-country mgmt of the platform as it expands. So we don't have a training switch--having JSI oversee that piece for COVID Edition as well

Johnnie: will be a tall order to expand to all LGAs. JSI has online training capabilities. This year they have done coordination and meetings virtually. IMPACT model was employed/coordinated virtually; used WhatsApp groups for coordination, Not sure how much can be leveraged for LMIS training. Ashraf: In other areas we use Moodle to set up courses for teaching/developing course materials. There is a technical team who can set that up

Brandon: Also can be very risky to do this in a rapidly evolving crisis; setting expectations and managing timelines

Sebastian; from technical side there isnt much difference in the set up of the system. the only difference is that COVID Edition comes with pre-configuration. Country needs to adapt to pre-defined workflow. Any configuration to that would require some work

DHIS2 Integration:

o   This is a priority for them; do we want to suggest a specific timeline/approach for how this is done?

JSI has partnership with HISP South Africa (which may also have worked in Nigeria)

Brandon: whoever the local HISP is should have a clear role and responsibility in the DHIS2 integration is important. One of the early phases of the project should be a technical architecture phase to review master facility/product data are mapped out thought the country, and show how it plugs in throughout the country. Where is the handoff point between our data and their data?

Ashraf: There could be a DHIS2 based contract tracing function in place. Probably would be based on DHIS2 Tracker (we can confirm this with Gavi)

Training approach: They are interested in leveraging a virtual platform for training, given size of country and that COVID has normalized virtual training more. Willing to incentivize/pay folks to be trained.

o   What partner can handle this aspect?


Involving other local partners: The MoH mentioned implementation challenges in the past with other partners. How can we avoid these? They might want to choose some local partners to be involved; also potentially interested in working with HISP and maybe other local partners, to build in sustainability mechanism.

  • Matt B provided an email introduction to a local tech provider, E-Health for Everyone (they have done eLMIS rollout in Sierra Leone so know the space).


Other key considerations suggested by this group?





Next Steps:


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