Internal Sync re: UNDP bid
Date: Jan 6, 2021
Participants: @Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) @Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) @Brandon Bowersox-Johnson @Wesley Brown Lisbee, Anne H
Relevant documents:
Full Invitation to Bid (ITB)- very long pdf with details of the bid:
Returnable forms- what we actually need to fill out and submit for the bid (Sierra has started it):
Notes from Pre-Bid Meeting (for reference): eLMIS UNDP Opp- Pre Bid Meeting Notes
Draft Agenda:
Align on our pricing strategy
Lot 1: Saas Tiered Pricing Structure
they will evaluate based on price per facility
Lot 2: Full bundled price (lump sum) covering unlimited number of users
Brandon: Easiest option to submit would be to do only Lot 2;
Rebecca to ask UNDP:
(not asking) Can we put ranges for the daily rates? If it is a ceiling our rates are going to look really high because we would have to use our highest US rates
Clarity on what goes into the lump sum?
Which parts of Form D do the partners also need to fill out (just history of non performing contracts and litigation hisotry)
Lisbee can lead on creating this calculation; Sierra is out for now and then back on the 13th
we should hope to get info from partners by the end of the week, so by mid-week next week
@Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) can pull SolDevelo’s rates today
We do have some of JSIs rates from the GAP project (18 months ago)
Send the organizations a template so we are asking for everything in the same format
What do we need from TPs?
CVs- signed
Daily rates associated with each CV
Qualification Form (Form D)
Give them heads up about MOU and ask who will sign
How will we draft the MOU that was requested?
Definately do not include Vitalliance
Can this be done internally? We write a skimpy agreement; to agree to work together
It might take time to route this for signature
-->@Rebecca to forward documentation of partners and how we work together; (who parties are going to be, their legal status, text about the OpenLMIS Community and what we aim to do)
Discussion re: how this fits into handover
Should we go for this opportunity, given how soon the handover is? Should we tell UNDP in advance or just indicate in the RFI?
Brandon: Someone has to submit in order to unlock this potential future funding; its a continuation of an ongoing pre-approval selection process for LMIS tools. This is a continuation of that process. Since we aren't signed on with Vitalliance yet. Vitalliance is supportive of us submitting and mentioning their role in the submission. But we can’t name them in the submission because the word is not public yet. We are the best party to submit on behalf of the tool. Contracts would be flowing through VillageReach, which is OK because we still plan to do OpenLMIS projects. Its really important that we are on this list of pre-approved tools.
The LTAs will provide access to the technology
Assigning this eventually to Vitalliance woud be idea but if we cant then VillageReach is OK to plan that role
We can’t name the partner in the submission, but we can foreshadow it so it doesn't seem like we are witholding information
*Keep in mind that we cannot share cost information with other bidders (Vitalliance). We can’t discuss our pricing
Review who will do what:
Bidding Forms to be completed | Lead | Support from: |
1 Form A: Bid Submission Form | Sierra | Ann (her signature is required) |
2 Form B: Bidder Information Form | Sierra | Lisbee |
3 Form C: Joint Venture/Consortium/ Association Information Form | Rebecca | NA |
4 Form D: Qualification Form | Lisbee? Financial Standing--> Angie | Ann? |
5 Form E: Technical Bid | Section 1: Bidder capacity -->Rebecca Section 2: Technical Specifications-->Wes Section 3: Mgmt structure and Key Personnel -->Rebecca | OpenLMIS Steward team review |
6 Company Profile, which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including printed brochures and product catalogues relevant to the goods/services being procured | Do we have this already? |
7 Power of Attorney (if applicable) | NA |
8 Certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration | Sierra requested from Ann/Angie |
9 Tax Registration/Payment Certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder is updated with its tax payment obligations, or Certificate of Tax exemption, if any such privilege is enjoyed by the Bidder | Sierra requested from Ann/Angie |
10. ISO certification (if any) | (Sierra requested from Ann/Angie) |
11. References of satisfactory performances of similar services | Do we have this? |
12. Audited financial reports including Balance, Income and Statement, Profit reports for past 3 years | who from VR can provide? (Sierra requested from Ann/Angie) |
13. CVs of the team members | Who from VR will we select? | Rebecca to coordinate partners and get additional CVs |
14. MOU- drafting/finalize content | Ann will draft content with inputs from Rebecca | Rebecca to coordinate partners for signature |
15. Final submission of bid in UNDP System | Sierra | Rebecca |
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