In-Person Meetings: DHIS2, OpenLMIS, OpenSRP

In-Person Meetings: DHIS2, OpenLMIS, OpenSRP


Dates: October 16 - 18, 2017

Location: VillageReach 2900 Eastlake Ave E #230, Seattle, WA 98102. We will be in the Pemba room.

  Ona/OpenSRP: Matt Berg (Unlicensed), Peter Lubell-Doughtie (Unlicensed);
  BAO/DHIS2: Nicola Hobby, Steffen Tengesdal, Tim Harding and Greg Wilson;
  VillageReach/OpenLMIS: Jake Watson (Deactivated)Brandon Bowersox-JohnsonJosh ZamorMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)     
  Craig Appl invited first 2 days given his background with HL7, OpenHIE, DHIS2 and OpenSRP

Long-term Vision: Full vertical stack for a Ministry of Health from Central Reporting and Facility Registry (e.g. DHIS2) to District Supply Chain (e.g. OpenLMIS) to Facility Level stock management + vaccine (or client or other) registry (e.g. OpenSRP).

Goals & Objectives

  1. Map this Full Vertical Stack vision and how the suite of tools can interoperate.

     Click here to expand...

    Definition of done: Updated diagram; shared understanding of boundaries and inter-connections.
    + Open-Ended Blue Sky visioning including aligning roadmaps, co-marketing, hosting these tools together, and more.

  2. Define the DHIS2-OpenLMIS+OpenSRP integration.

     Click here to expand...
     DHIS2 – OpenLMIS+OpenSRP Integration: Define a POC integration for the GDHF lab. GDHF lab descriptions is here. Can include business use cases.
      1. Delivery Date: end of Nov/early Dec
      2. Open Question: do we want to demonstrate initial integration with OpenSRP as well?
      3. Definition of done: Task list for each team to do before Nov-Dec event.
  3. Establish a vision for the OpenLMIS Mobile offering.

     Click here to expand...

    OpenLMIS – OpenSRP Integration/Mobile: Ona team to work on building out OpenSRP features and integration with OpenLMIS. We are currently defining the scope and what use cases would be included within each phase.

    1. Phase 1 Delivery Date: January for prioritized use cases to showcase to GAVI.
    2. Phase 2 Delivery Date: March
    3. Long-term vision

    Definition of done: First draft outline of scope of work for Ona-OpenLMIS.

  4. Day 3: Kick off Reporting project with Ona.


We will review and revise the agenda based on the needs of the participants.

Day 1: Mon, October 16
(Ona, BAO & VR)

Day 2: Tues, October 17
(Ona, BAO & VR)

Day 3: Wed, October 18
(Ona & VR)

OpenLMIS Governance meeting

  • Provide a readout of day one and intro to OpenSRP



Goals for the 3-day visit, Introductions, Gifts and Hooks from each attendee, review and adjust agenda, ground rules 


Define DHIS2-OpenLMIS+OpenSRP Integration and Proof-of-Concept *

Reporting Vision (HOW the data flows between systems) *

Short-term and long-term

 Click here to expand...

Goal: Define a POC integration for the GDHF lab. GDHF lab description is started here. Can include business use cases.

Define the what here and Tuesday we figure out how.

  1. Delivery Date: end of Nov/early Dec
  2. Open Question: do we want to demonstrate initial integration with OpenSRP as well?
 Click here to expand...
  • "Slightly-Informed Vision" - Josh
  • Full reporting pipeline, OpenSRP, OpenLMIS, and DHIS2
  • ADX
  • GS1-compliant stock information
  • Health systems data

Standards for integration (aka the HOW) 

 Click here to expand...
  • Facilities
  • Orderables
  • Single sign on (OAuth2)
  • HL7 FHIR, ADX ?

If time allows:

  • Hosting discussion (how are each done? areas for cost recovery/synergy?)
  • Co-marketing (eg, Bahmni approach)

Kick off Reporting Project

  • What reports do we need to build?
  • Mock data/demo data
    • How to get data out of OpenLMIS?
    • What does the data look like in OpenLMIS?
  • Schemas for facility lists, stock lists ; "master data alignment"
  • DHIS2 - how does our reporting stack work with and without DHIS2?
  • Review the SOW
  • Permissions / OAuth2
  • Tooling (OAuth2, Docker, etc.)
  • report definition and review of elements
  • Team Scaling, Agile SDLC & CI/CD & Branching strategy
  • Defining the business requirements around timing (real-time? etc.)

"OpenLMIS 201"

OpenLMIS and OpenSRP

 Click here to expand...

"OpenLMIS 101"

Presenters: Josh and Brandon


Vision conversation

Full vertical stack for a Ministry of Health.

 Click here to expand...

Areas of overlap/points of discussion:

  • How can we harmonize more?
  • How can our products work together out of the box more?
  • Integration & Standards: GS1, etc. & How much OpenHIE?
  • Reporting – bounded contexts, what types where?
  • Where is the overlap between the products?
  • Larger ecosystem: OpenMRS, OpenELIS, "All the Opens" and OpenBahmni

Facilitator: Mary Jo

12:00~ Working lunch ~

Vision conversation (continued)


Use Cases for Integrations 

(see notes here: Notes: OpenSRP, OpenLMIS, DHIS2)

Show and Tell

  • BAO/DHIS 2 reporting capabilities
  • Ona/OpenSRP reporting examples
  • OpenLMIS desired reports

Long-term vision for OpenSRP and OpenLMIS

Daily Recap

Share outcomes, check on our progress towards goals for the event, build the agenda for Tues/Wed, mini-Retrospective on anything we can improve to make our time together more effective.

Facilitator: Brandon

Daily Recap

Daily Recap

Peter departs Weds PM

DinnerPlease join us Monday for a group dinner!
TBD Location and Time

Dinner Host: Jake


Background on Projects

Below is a list of projects and delivery dates to provide context to the conversation and in person meeting.

  1. OpenLMIS Reporting Component: Ona team will work on a scope of work to set up a reporting framework/stack for OpenLMIS. The approach is to follow the open-source solution stack used by OpenSRP. Data ingestion using Apache NiFi; Data warehousing in the Hadoop File System (HDFS); Stream processing using Apache Kafka; OLAP database storage using Druid; and Visualization using Apache Superset.
    1. Phase 1 Delivery Date: January for foundation and initial reports
  2. OpenLMIS – OpenSRP Integration/Mobile: Ona team to work on building out OpenSRP features and integration with OpenLMIS. We are currently defining the scope and what use cases would be included within each phase.
    1. Phase 1 Delivery Date: January for prioritized use cases to showcase to GAVI.
    2. Phase 2 Delivery Date: March
    3. Long-term vision
  3. DHIS2 – OpenLMIS POC Integration: Stand up a POC integration for the GDHF lab. GDHF lab descriptions is here.
    1. Delivery Date: end of Nov/early Dec
    2. Open Question: do we want to demonstrate initial integration with OpenSRP as well?

Background Material

Country Profile A and B: Composites

Personas: Vaccine User Profiles and External User Profiles

Screen-sharing: https://www.uberconference.com/villagereach-isg 

Reporting Personas, Types, Requirements

OpenLMIS 101 and 201

  • TechNet Pitch Video?
  • Status quo
    • 7 countries, EPI/EM/HIV/TB/Malaria/FP programs, 10,000 health facilities
    • Different customized versions by different names in different geographies
  • Roadmap
    • Vaccines features
    • Gap features
  • Personas & example supply chains
    • Vaccine and non-Vaccine personas from wiki
    • supply chain handouts from Copenhagen
  • Interoperability - Josh
    • Supply chain standards: GS1, UNSPSC, GPC, etc
    • Health space standards:  HL7 FHIR (mCSD)
    • Infrastructure standards:  REST, OAuth2, microservices, docker
      • slide: words with links
  • Overview of Domains / micro-services - Josh
    • Reference (meta) data
      • Meta data about the context:  facilities, products, geographies, GS1, etc
      • Next:  HL7 FHIR
    • Requisition
      • Requisitioning (request and approvals) of new supplies
      • Next: Lighter requisitions/vaccine resupply
    • Fulfillment
      • National fulfillment
      • Next: Local fulfillment - Districts and other sub-national may supply others
    • Stock Management
      • Stock cards, transactions, inventories
      • Next: none
    • Cold Chain Equipment
      • Fridges, freezers, etc - make/model, where it is, is it working.
      • Next: Remote Temp Monitoring - inform trouble alarms/alerts
    • Infra: Reporting
      • Printed reports to sign, file ,etc (Jasper)
      • Next: Ad-hoc exploration, root cause analysis, dashboards
    • Infra: Notifications
      • Sending emails
      • Next: SMS and in-app
    • UI
      • Web app with intermittent offline
      • Next:  true mobile

Slides DRAFT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xv1Q1az-dA4uXhFNRb0vbYx7LAICI3D_O-NU70-f6Mo/edit?usp=sharing_eip&ts=59dff6fe

  • Data Model Deep Dive
    • look at ERDs and REST APIs (docs.openlmis.org)
    • walk through an approved requisition, then converted to order, and also stock transactions
  • Docker
  • Micro-services
  • OAuth2
  • GS1
  • HL7 FHIR

VillageReach notes on goals we have with each organization

Goals with Ona and OpenSRP (objective is to build foundation for Reporting and Integration work)

  • Deep dive into prioritized reports for vaccines/DISC indicators (Reporting SOW)
  • Architectural and tooling discussion (Reporting SOW)
    • Docker
    • Single sign-on/OAuth2
  • Refine scope for the OpenLMIS/OpenSRP integration (phase 1, ending in March)
  • Long-term vision for synergy between OpenLMIS and OpenSRP roadmaps / offerings
  • Build the Ona team capacity and knowledge on OpenLMIS
  • Integration standards
    • HL7 FHIR (rest format display of information)
    • Exchange 

Goals with BAO (objective is to build a POC integration between OpenLMIS and DHIS2)

  1. Define the objectives for the GDHF lab on the POC for DHIS2 and OpenLMIS integration
    1. we could potentially include OpenSRP in this if desired
  2. Set up on action plan for building POC by end of November
  3. Build the BAO team capacity and knowledge on OpenLMIS
  4. Identify opportunities for future collaboration
  5. Integration standards
    1. HL7 FHIR (rest format display of information)
    2. Exchange 
  6. Potentially: Learn from BAO about AWS optimization. 

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