Gap 3.6 Scheduling
Gap 3.6 Scheduling
Facilitator: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- Ashraf
- Clay Crosby (Unlicensed)
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed)
- Josh Zamor
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Wesley Brown
Team Parrot
- Release faster
- Functional tests
- Improving processes
- Collecting release timing for v3.5
- Hoping that this is not the only set of work for v3.6
- We do still hope that significant progress is made on adding functional tests for v3.6
- Josh: Provision and Orchestrate Services?
- Sebastian: Team is more interested in contributing to Malawi product directly
- Wes: Maybe take one of the three potential ARV replacement features (Equipment, Budgets, Kitting)
- Sebastian: Interested in Budgeting - this has come up before in Malawi
- Reports SSO?
Team Ona
- Craig: Question about how Data Pumps impacts this work
- Josh: Worried about scope to add this in v3.6. "80%" of work handled by debezium (sp), rest of the work is somewhat defined but open questions remain
- Craig: What happens if target is down?
- Josh: Message delivery is handled by Kafka
- Work on overall scope and associated tickets in progress
- Unsure is UI is required to confirm/review report (or others)
- There is a question about how much of the potential work we want to schedule for 3.6
- Craig: Question about how Data Pumps impacts this work
- Also have a number of holdover tasks from 3.5
Mind the Gap
- Complete multiple suppliers
- Notifications
- Wes will be updating documents based on feedback from our discussions
- Shipment file
- Roughly 1.5 sprints left of work left
- User interface for upload file
- Scheduled for 3.6
- Kits
Action Items
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) and Josh Zamor to follow up on Data Pumps
- Wesley Brown to discuss LoE to complete multiple suppliers with Sam Im (Deactivated)
- Wesley Brown to update documentation for notifications and discuss with Sam Im (Deactivated)
- Josh Zamor to send kits documentation/spec from SIGLUS to Ashraf
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